Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Choosing a website host

Quite daunting.

There are so many web hosts to choose from. The first one that popped into my head was Go Daddy. I wonder why, huh? Upon exploring their site I found that they charged around $7 bucks a month for their 'deluxe' plan. It was actually much cheaper than I thought it was going to be. Sold! Right? Wrong, research is everything.

So I Googled up and started looking for reviews of Go Daddy. A simple search of "Is go daddy any good" led me to a smorgasbord of listings talking about how big of a pain in the ass Go Daddy was when it came to customer service and trying to transfer domains. is just one of many that told me to steer clear. Using my keen "where there is google complaints there is fire" operating system I moved along.

So what to do then? Back to Google again this time looking for "best web hosts". Eureka, I had hit pay dirt. List after list of what were considered the best web hosts out there. I narrowed my list down to Justhost, iPage, and Fatcow. How did I end up there? I cross referenced about half a dozen top ten lists and each of these sites always made the list. I then used the tried and true market research test using the "does --insert name here-- suck" google examination. Very little fallout from iPage.

I checked Ipage's website and found the design to be easy to navigate. I'm all about ease of use, I had made my choice.

iPage it was, in my next post I'll give you a review of their product and service.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information, I find your content to be unique and genuine. Keep sharing article and this will help many in getting the best Ipage hosting
